Thursday 26 January 2017

Final Post

For my Info-tech course I took the independent course I learned how to use Gamemaker and make games. The independent lets you learn independently and at your own pace, so you won't have to keep constantly try to finish assignments on time. In this course you get to learn whatever you want, from  video editing to coding video games. Once you picked a project to work on, you'll have to blog about it everyday throughout the course. My advice is to POST EVERYDAY, this is something so simple that even anyone can do. You literally have to write down what you worked on everyday. You don't even have to do that much work on your project, just write and post a picture of your progress and what you did. This is something I didn't follow. Another advice is to choose Gamemaker as your project. This is a game developing software that is easy to use and learn. Making games with it is not as complicated. It is very user and friendly, though you do have to learn the coding language, which may sound hard but its very simple to learn. Its just imputing an action like for example, you could write something like gain speed when walked for X amount of time, but in gamemaker language. Simple as that. And not just that you could just write 3 or 4 lines of code explain that those codes do and post it, now do that everyday.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day 45

Today in gamemaker I had my enemies be able to chase the player. Before the enemies were just able to look and detect the player without following them too far. Now the enemies are able to chase the player around the map until the player finds a place to hide. The player can also run away from the enemy and after a while the enemy will just stop looking for the player.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Day 44

Today in gamemaker I made it so the player is able to attack and disable enemies. What this mechanic does is the player is able to sneak behind the enemy and knock them out for a short period until they wake up. This will allow the player to get rid of enemies in the area to escape or get an objective easier. This mechanic will also alert other enemies and make them more aware of you, makes their area of awareness bigger. Ive had run into a few problems like the button to attack the enemy won't respond or the enemy won't wake up from being knocked out. The next day I will be adding one last thing before finishing the game.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Day 43

Today in gamemaker I worked on my sounds mechanic. I made it so the sound will now be able to attract the enemies closets to them but when they move towards the sound the move right though the wall I don't know how to fix this at all.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Day 42

Today in gamemaker I put sound into my game. This mechanic will allow the player to click around the map and create sound to distract the enemy closets. This will allow the player to be able to create ways to hide and escape from the enemy currently the player can only create the sound and nothing else happens.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Day 41

Today in gamemaker I ran into another glitch. What the glitch does is when the enemies go back to the area they where guarding they can glitch through the wall to get there or glitch to the wall when they move too. My guess is that there something wrong with the enemy set path. I've tried redoing code but that didn't work out. The next day I will be fixing this glitch.

Friday 30 December 2016

Day 40

Today in gamemaker I fixed my glitch and worked on my pathfinding for enemies a little bit. What I did to fix my glitch was completely redid my collision codes for the player and wall. By redoing that it seemed to fix the problem. I also worked on giving the enemies the ability to walk around on there own and check out places where the player had just been. The next day I will be finishing this mechanic.